One of the most important things in a concrete pouring project is monitoring concrete strength and maturity. This not only ensures structural integrity but also result in timely project completion.
Concrete contractors use different concrete strength measuring methods based on the requirements of the project.
This blog will deal with those methods and how concrete technicians use them.
With technological improvements, recent years have seen some major advancements in construction industry. One of them happens to be the use of smart sensors for Monitoring Concrete Strength.
As a result, contractors can gather data related to concrete strength and maturity in real time. This saves project time as well as resources that was previously wasted in laboratory tests to collect the same data. Plus, these advancements help in managing complex construction projects in a fairly easy way, which was not possible before.
In this blog, you’ll find everything about different methods for Concrete Temperature Test. Moreover, we’ll see how construction personnel use these methods to measure concrete compressive strength.
Concrete Strength Test Methods | Cylinder Testing vs Maturity Testing
These two are most commonly used Concrete Strength Testing Methods to monitor the temperature of concrete. However, the difference between these two lies in the operation and processing.
In spite of the common use of Cylinder Testing, contractors are slowly but surely making the shift to smart sensors. And there are more than one reasons for that. Accuracy and convenience of using this smart technology often fails the familiarity of cylinder testing.
Well, contractors may still use the cylinder testing method due to its long-history of use and reliability. But experts believe cylinder testing tells more about the accuracy of the batched material rather than the concrete in structure.
Though, there are assumptions that using the maturity method with other testing methods like cylinder testing will cut back on the limitations of using smart sensor technology.
With that said, let’s see how contractors actually go for monitoring concrete strength with these two methods.
Cylinder Testing
This involves casting test cylinders in steel, cast iron, or any mold made of non-absorbent material. The interior of the mold is properly greased before placing the concrete mix within the mold. This facilitates easy removal of the hardened cylinders.
The testing of the compressive strength of hardened concrete is possible by measuring the amount of force required to break up concrete at specific intervals during the concrete hardening timeline.
The final calculation of the compressive strength depends on the failure load divided by cross-sectional area resisting the load.
Maturity Testing
Sensors are tied to reinforcing steel within the formwork. This enables wireless and consistent monitoring of concrete temperature. Wireless sensors offer a simple, cloud-based solution to concrete monitoring.
The sensors use Bluetooth technology to transmit data into a smartphone app. This allows easy team collaboration on any project, whether big or small in size.
Typically, the sensor is placed in the concrete formwork before pouring. These sensors measure the internal temperature of the mix and measure in-place concrete strength.
Why Concrete Strength Data Is Important?
Not measuring the concrete strength correctly can cost contractors their valuable time. Plus, it may lead to low compressive strength in the final work.
Two scenarios are possible in the case the contractors don’t measure maturity data properly. Either they wait too long for the results or they move to the next step before getting optimal results.
Waiting too long may delay project completion. On the other hand, acting prematurely has its own consequences.
Premature removal of formwork in the absence of accurate maturity data may result in:
- Cracks in the concrete structure
- Moisture accumulation below the flooring in the case of premature floor installation
- Lack of strength may lead to structural collapse
How to Test Concrete Strength On-Site | Use of Wireless Concrete Maturity Sensors
Using wireless smart sensors have made construction time and data gathering much easier than before. With the use of these systems, contractors easily collect strength and temperature data in real time.
Thus, the technology removes many hassles on construction jobsites and result in a more seamless work. Cost and time cutting are not the only advantages to using a wireless smart sensor. In fact, there is also a concern for safety.
These Concrete Temperature Measuring Device eliminate the need to handle any exposed wires. Moreover, temperature sensor becomes useless in case these wires get cut or damaged. Sudden damage to these sensors may mean losing out on important data before completion of the project.
Advantages of using smart sensors for in-place concrete strength monitoring
- Saves time required to perform concrete strength testing.
- Eliminates the extra costs associated with traditional testing methods (This may involve laboratory tests and the cost of having a technician cast, collect, and deliver the cylinder specimens).
- Quick and accurate results in real time.
- Better project management through easy data sharing.
- Access to all the data associated with the project.
- On-time completion of the project.
- More flexibility in selecting the mix that will perform the best.
- Less environmental impact by minimizing the wastage (Engineers can use the data to make mixes that make the optimal use of the resources).
It’s important that you hire a company that knows which method will work best based on unique project circumstances.
Looking for a Concrete Specialist?
Hire Maple Concrete Pumping
We are expert in concrete pouring projects with over 8 years of experience in Toronto. We use the most advanced technology and resources to ensure the compressive strength of the concrete structures.
Our work methods involve updating to new operational procedures as technology improves. This allows us to cut back on the project completion time while maintaining the quality standards of the final output.
Moreover, we understand each project needs special care and customized service. In accordance with that, our professional staff and operators always strive to deliver customized service that best fits your requirements.
What Makes Us Different?
- We offer top-notch concrete pumping equipment including reliable Concrete Pumps and Line Pumps at reasonable rental prices.
- Expert concrete pumping services with the resources to handle the most complex projects.
- Concrete finishing services including design and formwork.
- Highly skilled crew and personnel trained in complete jobsite safety.
- Annual boom inspections of the concrete pumping equipment to ensure reliability.
- Site specific safety plan for all projects.
- A stringent drug and alcohol prevention program to ensure workplace safety.
- A team of safety and risk professionals to ensure jobsite and over-the-road safety procedures.
- Injury and Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP) for all projects minimizing safety risks.
You can easily get in touch with our representatives to discuss your concrete project. We will help you strategize a plan for project completion that meets all your requirements and needs with our high-quality services. Call us on +1 (647) 529-7867